The renowned San Diego Jazz Party carries on a rich tradition of presenting classic, mainstream jazz to the public on an annual basis. The weekend-long party features performances by exceptional musicians from across the country and around the world in a relaxed, intimate setting.

The Hilton San Diego/Del Mar location provides an acoustically pleasing, comfortable setting for three days of jazz that should not be missed. The hotel is located just a mile from the beautiful beaches of Del Mar, California.

The party was originally presented in Downtown San Diego by Bill and Beverly Muchnic. Herb Kratze next moved the party to the current Hilton San Diego/Del Mar location. Others have presided over the event, including Dave and Joanne Cooper, John Amberg, Poo Wyer, Dave Nuffer, Philip Moody, Dan Reid, Sandi Joyce and Russell King.

Due to the untimely passing of Dan Reid on August 30, 2020, the event is now managed by President Russell King. To read more about Dan Reid, please click here for his bio.


San Diego Jazz Party is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization chartered under federal and California law. We accept and welcome tax-deductible contributions to keep the festival going. Revenues in excess of expenses will be used to help fund youth jazz activities at the high school and college level.

Currently, San Diego Jazz Party Board Member Directors are:  Russell King – President, Sandi Joyce – Vice PresidentDon Fall – Treasurer, Deborah Morrison - Secretary, Jennifer Reid - Volunteer Coordinator, and Janet Fall - Member at Large.

If you are interested in donating your time and becoming more involved in the San Diego Jazz Party, please contact:
Deborah Morrision at [email protected] or
Jennifer Reid at: [email protected]

Russell King


Sandi Joyce

Vice President

Don Fall






Janet Fall

Member at Large


San Diego Jazz Party has been established, as its charter states, “to provide the public an opportunity to hear live performances of the uniquely American music called jazz.”

San Diego Jazz Party seeks to enhance public knowledge and understanding of the great contribution of mainstream jazz to American culture, to help keep the music alive, and finances permitting, to encourage and assist up-and-coming young jazz musicians at the high school or college levels